

Egetræ er en hård træsort med et flot årespil, hvilket giver møblerne det helt rette, skandinaviske udtryk, men også super god holdbarhed. Med den rette vedligeholdelse kan et egetræsmøbel holde i mange år.

Vi tilbyder vores møbler i tre forskellige behandlinger: naturolieret, hvidolieret og røgolieret.
Alt vores egetræ er FSC-mærket og skoves kun i Europa under ansvarlige forhold.

Free shipping in Denmark. Shipping cost Europe +5%.

Inspired by the well-known 1960s stepladder/stair chair, Anders Nørgaard has created a multifunctional piece of furniture that combines Nordic minimalism and family-friendly practicality. The slim steel frame is made using the most advanced steel processing machines to ensure that the stair function feels great and can withstand everyday use. The seat and steps are made from solid oak wood and with their soft shapes, they give the product both warmth and a modern Nordic look.

Solid oak / steel
Dimensions (W x D x H)
38 x 32 x 47 cm.
Manufactured in Europe
Production time
2 weeks + delivery

The design of TRAB is conceived so that the graphic interplay between the stairs and stool creates its own artistic narrative, placing the product in a category all of its own. The 47 cm height invites TRAB to be used at the kitchen island or as an extra seat, while the stair function will come in handy in many situations with vertical challenges.